About Me

Who Am I?

I am an engineer by trade and a family man by choice. I am the father of four beautiful children and am always working to make our family’s life better. Isn’t that every parent’s goal?

I am an Army Veteran, where I worked in the Communications Corps. My wife and I met while serving and continued to grow our family as we transitioned out of the Army.

I enjoy learning new things and expanding my knowledge base. I have my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees and began my Doctorate journey. However, I realized I was sacrificing family time for education.

I began to think about how much time I was sacrificing while working for other people. What if I could accomplish the same goals working for myself? What if I could set my own schedule and spend more time with my family?

That is the driving force behind the CM Advantage. Not only can I share my knowledge with you, but I can show you how to work on your terms without sacrificing your personal time.